Historia y utilidad del Electroencefalograma

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– maxin belly

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1. Good Nutrition Improves Well-Being

Eating a poor diet reduces physical and mental health because eating healthy allows people to be more active. Two-thirds of people who eat fresh fruit and vegetables daily report no mental health issues, as reported by the Mental Health Foundation. Compare this to those who do have some level of mental health problems and have generally reported eating less healthy foods and more unhealthy foods. Feelings of well-being can be protected by ensuring that our diet is full of essential fats, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

2. It’s Expensive To Be Unhealthy

Nearly two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a healthier diet could prevent at least $71 billion per year in medical costs and lost lives. That number may be underestimated because it only accounts for diet-related coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. It does not include other diet-related illnesses. Seventy-five percent of health care dollars are spent on treating preventable diseases.


3. Helps You Manage A Healthy Weight

Eating a nutritious diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein will help maintain a healthy body weight. Janelle Hodovic, a Registered Dietician with UnityPoint Clinic – Weight Loss, says this about nutrition: “There is no one diet, no diet pill and no surgery that lets people eat whatever they want and still expect weight loss and improved health. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program will be what is needed to achieve those goals. Use food for its purpose: Nourishment.

4. Maintains Your Immune System

Foods like tomatoes, berries, avocados, nuts and fish all contain certain vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin. For example, tomatoes contain vitamin C, which helps build collagen, in turn making your skin look firmer and slow premature aging. Berries are full of antioxidants and vitamins and eating them promotes cell regeneration for new skin.

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Los pacientes con epilepsia tienen un riesgo de comorbilidad psiquiátrica, que si bien no ha sido bien estudiada en niños, no deja por ello de ser importante. Ettinger y colaboradores en el 2007 encontraron que los trastornos psiquiátricos se presentaban en el 8% de la población general, en el 16% de los trastornos médicos crónicos, en el 29% de los niños con epilepsia idiopática y en el 58% de los casos de epilepsia asociados con lesiones cerebrales estructurales(20).
Por ser un padecimiento crónico, es de esperarse que la epilepsia está asociada a depresión, sin embargo parece haber una asociación mayor en comparación con otros padecimientos igualmente crónicos, tal como lo mostraron los resultados de Ettinger y cols 2004, cuando compararon un grupo de 775 pacientes con epilepsia, 395 con asma y 362 controles, todos ellos mayores de 18 años, aplicando una escala de depresión (CES-D), resultando positivos el 36.5% de los pacientes con epilepsia, comparado con el 27.8% de los pacientes con asma y el 11.8% del grupo control.

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